Return policy:
What can I return? 
You may return most new or unopened items sold and fulfilled by us within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. 
How long will it cost?
It can take up to 25 days for an item to reach us once you return it. Once the item is received at our fulfillment center, it takes 2 business days for the refund to be processed and 3-5 business days for the refund amount to show up in your account.

If you received a damaged or defective item, we’ll ship you a replacement of the exact item. If you would like to exchange an item for another, you can exchange for a different size or color or for an item in your Cart.

Only better service to create a good customer reputation. We will serve you 7~24 hours wherever you are in America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Contact us freely!